Although servlets add a logging system and Velocity adds another, I don't like either, so SportPage includes the Log4J logging system and is peppered throughout with debug, warning, info and critical error messages that will be written out according to the specifications in the WEB-INF/log4j.conf file.
By default, velocity errors, sportpage errors and other application messages are written to WEB-INF/logs and the first action in any template system debugging should be to follow those logs while the request is being issued or while the webapp is loading. You can set this log file to another location by editing the log4j.appender.A1.File setting.
The web application log file records all messages trapped by the SportWire software. This is the file generated by the Log4J system and can be tuned to increase the level of reporting for specific SportPage components.
The velocity log file records all messages coming out of Velocity itself. The location of this file is specified by the velocity.log.filename property in the WEB-INF/sportpage.conf system.
Your local system administrators should be recording the output from the servlet container. This file will record critical messages such as stack traces, items which neither velocity or the application are able to trap.